Who can participate in Pilates?

Pilates is appropriate for people of any age or fitness level.  Pilates’ unique approach to fitness allows any level, from beginner to an  athlete, to set their goals and work on their individual needs.

What do I wear?

Comfortable, form fitting exercise clothes are best.  Dress comfortably so that your movement is free, but try not to wear clothing that is too loose fitting as you will performing exercises that could cause a loose shirt to drift up the torso or loose shorts to fall open at the hip.  Over sized clothes make it difficult for the instructor to observe your body during the workout.  Bring tennis shoes and socks.

Will I be sore from my session?

That depends on your body awareness and fitness levels.  Pilates does not fatigue the muscles to exhaustion, rather it uses movement patterns, mental focus and muscle memory to build strength and awareness into the body.  Pilates leaves you energized and while you may experience some soreness as you body experiences changes, you will not experience debilitating soreness.

Will I lose weight from doing Pilates?

Pilates is designed to help you reshape your body and mind.  Using different types of apparatus as well as the weight of your body, the system helps to tone your muscles and elongate areas such as the waistline and upper thighs and arms.  Adding Pilates to a healthy diet and regular cardiovascular exercise can dramatically change your overall appearance.

Do Men participate in Pilates?

Of course!! The Pilates Method was designed by a man, Joseph Pilates.  Everyone from professional athletes to regular guys will notice significant benefits using the Pilates Methos of body conditioning.

What results can I expect from doing Pilates?

You can expect an increase in flexibility, mobility, balance, improved posture and overall strength, as well as a decrease in back pain.  Many participants report a reshaping of the body, elongation of the waistline and upper thigh regions.

Is it safe to do Pilates during pregnancy?

A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy and exercise must be adapted and modified as the pregnancy progresses.  The beauty of Pilates is that it can be individualized for anyone’s ability.  Workouts and schedules during the first trimester may have to be adjusted around fatigue levels.  Over the course of the pregnancy the demand on the abdominal muscles should be decreased.  During the second trimester these muscles become stretched out, and some women experience diastases recti (separation of the abdominal muscles).  With reduced abdominal support there is greater risk of injuring the lower back.  It is important to continue strengthening and rebalancing the muscles around the joints- supporting the body as it goes through the postural changes related to pregnancy.